Auction: 1 DC of Quartz Flakes (not blocks)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by DrippyUnicorn16, Apr 3, 2017.

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  1. Allicanto Id like to request that you pay within the next 12 hrs if you fail to do so I will contact a mod and ask them wat is expected to happen.
  2. i dont even know if you can ask that of someone
    minecraft is still a game and life will come first
    i can comme online later today to pay and pick-up
  3. ok that sou
    That's fine I just wanted to let you know bcuz I put down in my auction to pay in 24 hours and you surpassed that time.
  4. oooh wel then
    reauction those items if you really want too
    earliest i can be on is in 8 hours
  5. no thatll be fine ty
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