[Auction] 1 DC Coal Ore

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Eulenax, Jan 27, 2017.

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  1. i believe i have won?
  2. Yes, you have. Sorry for the short wait.
    Setting up access now.
  3. okay i will pay, thanks
  4. There is a slight problem, my person on SMP4 is very far away from town right now, is there any way to get it to me, such as being able to pick it up on a different server, my apologies.
  5. That can be arranged. Just set up a chest on your res with an access sign for me and I'll drop it off.
  6. Awesome thanks! I will have the sign set up in about 3 hours
  7. crap my bad i never actually told you the res, its 10178 on smp5, my bad, sorry for the delay
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