{Auction} ◊ 1 Diam◊nd Supp◊rter V◊ucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Raaynn, Feb 16, 2017.

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  1. Bumperoni
  2. Omar you are in the wrong chat. 329k
  3. you wish :) 330k
  4. Would have been cool if you replied with "I saw what you did there", sadly no. 331k
  5. it's used far too often :p 332k
  6. Since i used your name you could have used mine hence "saw" hahah that's what I mean. 333k
  7. ahh lol; 334k
  8. well, I "Saw" the you won "MC" !

    Will mail item wonce rupees have been reciev-ed
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