Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Yetzer, Jun 1, 2017.

  1. Hello, ABC here! We are bringing you 99.3% satisfaction guaranteed service. We will be doing the following: Building, Removing, Fixing, Repairing, Gathering Items (non-bulk). We are here to supply the demand for your shops, needs, etc. If you need us to do anything, mail a book and quill to fridgetspinner defining what you need done, and on what smp and residence. The following workers that will be on my side are: BostonBlaggard, Fridgetspinner, CarFryer and many more to come!

    Please feel free to have us be your first choice at what YOUR building!
    - ABC Team
    x__fridgetspinner, bostonblaggard, carfryer__
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  2. Does this include redstone?
    fridgetspinner likes this.
  3. How much would it cost to have a 156×156 area dug to bedrock? :p
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  4. Yes, Indeed it does.
  5. Let me talk to my men and women workers :) You'll be sure to have a reply by tomorrow :)
  6. would you be willing to building a nice mall???
  7. How much would it cost to for 10 stacks of grey wool, 10 stacks of light grey wool and 10 stacks of light blue wool?