Anyone need help getting outpost going?

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by kevmeup, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. If you have an outpost with at least 3 existing members and could use some help getting it up and running let me know. Can be on any server. I've made every farm possible except wither, I'm ok with redstone, great with planning and making functional areas. Leave a message here or mail me.
  2. Free help, if I wasn't clear.
  3. Hey kev! i just got started on making my own outpost, mostly for farms and stuff. I made an iron farm myself, but i was kinda confused with the gold farm designs i saw. Could you come on smp4 someday and make one? I could supply materials.
    I also have three members; myself, Matthew94544, and R4yaan
    kevmeup likes this.