Another 1 Year Thread [OREBUSTER GIVEAWAY]

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by kevdudeman, May 28, 2013.

  1. When you put the 50 more back up, please put me in any number.
    And congratulations on 1 year on EMC :D
  2. All 50 aren't taken, there's still a bunch of numbers. You have to look at the entry list :)
    kevdudeman likes this.
  3. I've only been putting numbers when they're taken, sorry about that. Just look for a number that doesn't exist and you can claim it :) (1-50!)
  4. *sigh*
    kevdudeman likes this.
  5. Number plox
    Congrats yo
  6. 26 please! :D
  7. 19 for me please!
  8. Congrats!! Any number :) anyways IM GONNAISS YOUR PARTY. :(( but I wish you a happy EMC birthday :)
  9. 5 posts later , all the numbers are taking? Really? :( I went to the store to buy an iPad :'(
  10. well if you add more spots ill take 64 or whatever closest numbro you have.
    Happy BDay kevdudebro
  11. Alrighty thanks kev
  12. There's 7 left as of your post... I'll give you any number, you too superg. (6)

    Like I said before, I didn't type out 50 #'s to begin with, I added them as people took 'em :)
    Nilex92 and superg64 like this.
  13. Any remaining number, happy 365th!
  14. According to the OP, the numbers left are 10, 15, 20, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36 and 38.
    Mindlegokid asked for a random number, so one of these is taken.
    Sorry if I put extra numbers or missed some :p
  15. Oh, ok nice. Thanks :D
  16. Deleting old bumps, see Matheus' post for the numbers left!
  17. 10 :D Happy 365th day!
  18. 7 numbers left. The party will be given its own thread, and time is officially subject to change by 4 hours. So it will be starting from 3 to 7 pm, depending on what hour my close friends are on.
  19. The winning number was 41, making the winner of the ore buster pickaxe TheMinner333. As soon as I find out how to upload an ipad screenshot, I'll edit it into this. Be looking for a new party thread in the next few hours, along with my 1000+ word EMC story :) Minner, you may pick up your pickaxe at 4302 in 6 hours, when I get home.
