Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by HanaY, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Would you sting me if you met me in real life? I like numbers to... 555 is cool:) next time its 666! lol
  2. Can I get a christmas present?
    DarkDashEST likes this.
  3. Do you like your new signature?
  4. If you could pick between an original dragon or free diamond supporter ship for life which would it be?
  5. What type of bee are you?
  6. Take The Letters D I S

    Add One More Letter…

    And End Up With 10 Letters.
  7. Because the laser needs to be against a flat surface, that does not pass light through. or the trackball needs to woll on something.

    See The Next one.


    When... Uh... When... I become a legal adult. (19 here)
    My Butt is dangerous. to everyone. including me.

    unless you don't celebrate Christmas, yes, I believe you will get a present.

    yes, I would just like it if there were a few zombies sprawled on the ground.

    Diamond, then I could buy all the Dragon Eggs.

    An Awesome Bee.

    Impossiburu. If I could remove 1 letter and then add one letter, then I could end up with 10. DIS --> DI --> DIX
    Dix is french for "10".
  8. :confused:I thought the Spanish word for 10 was four letters
  9. pretty sure it's 5, Diese. (Now ill use translate.)
    EDIT: it's Diez.
  10. any multiple of 5 is my fav number :)
    What's your fav mob? :D
  11. Wither Boss.
  12. I've thought about this very hard and I say... Russia.
  13. entered...
  15. What is my real name?
  16. Achievement NOT Get: King of Bees
  17. Congrazzles :D Remember the one time we went on an EMC member's server for an EMC event and you and me fought?
  18. What are differeces between bees and varkids? How large is your Empire/Hive? and Congratz
  19. No Idea.

    This sounds offensive.

    Yup :p

    I Have No Idea, about... 2 Members large. (Plus Me)