Hi gang! I really like chatting (as if you guys couldn't tell) and also quickly mastered most of the chat commands. One command I often use is: /ch who. This allows you to check who can hear you, it's also ideal to quickly ("zecretly") peek who are on your residence (just check the residence chat). However; the command only works on your active chat channel. So in order to check who's on my residence I'd have to use: /ch r, /ch who and /ch t. Which can be a bit bothersome at times. So I was wondering if the who command couldn't be altered to allow parameters. For example: /ch who g (show group chat members), /ch who r (show residence chat members), etc. Thanks for your time!
one thing i have used for a long time with Macro Mod is this homemade macro i made in about 15 seconds. /c l|/c who|/c t its pretty self explanatory what it does, but it basically just does those commands in that order instantly.
That's a very efficient feature you suggested! +1 I don't use the /ch who but I plan on it if I can remember....