[Adventure Map] Test Subject

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by AvocadoMatt, Mar 21, 2015.


    You find yourself waking up in this mysterious cave, at the end you see you a button being highlighted by some lights. Do you dare to press it...

    In this Adventure Map you will find yourself in various chambers upon which you are instructed to complete each task, you will utilize various Minecraft mechanics to fight through each chamber and hopefully be able to complete each. As you continue on the objectives will become gradually more difficult and take more thinking and less action, for any wrong step could lead to a malfunction, and who knows what the malfunction could bring upon you...

    Your lovely lab-coated friend, Amoena, shall try and assist you in explaining each task. Just hope that no malfunctions cause the communications system to glitch out! Your actions inside of the game will trigger towards one ending versus the others, beware on how you act and how Amoena wants you to act...

    I will be using this thread to post updates of my progress and I'll update the OP upon completion to allow newer readers to easily access the content. All updates I post shall include a screenshot or two of the work, and of course a description of what's recently happened and what the screenshot is of =P


    Requirements to Play:
    -Minecraft Version 1.8.x
    -Resource Pack (Undecided) IF NOT USE DEFAULT!
    -Vanilla Minecraft ONLY

    -Potential to cause lag through an excess of particles and/or command blocks
    -Any player count above 1 has potential to break the map
    -Any version below Minecraft 1.8.0 will break the map

    -Reserved for Map when complete
    -Reserved for Resource Pack, if chosen to have one

    Author Notes:
    -This map could take a LONG time to be finished, please don't ask for an ETA
    -Update notes are posted to the below comment
    -I would enjoy to answer any questions about this, please ask inside the forum to prevent repeats though
    -I will try my best to have it adaptable to multiple players for those daredevils out there
    Adventure Map Update Notes:
    Recent Update Information:
    Update 0.0.2
    -Added spawning cave
    -Added 1st objective
    -Particle additions to various entities
    -Sound additions to various events
    Older Update Information:
    -Added spawning cave
    -Added 1st objective
    -Particle additions to various entities
    -Sound additions to various events
    -Beginning the revision of a map to accustom new desires

    Thread Update Notes:
    Recent Update Information:
    Update 0.0.1:
    -Thread's creation
    Older Update Information:
    -Thread's creation
    kaja_the_pug and 607 like this.
  3. Update 0.0.2:
    -Added spawning cave
    -Added 1st objective
    -Particle additions to various entities
    -Sound additions to various events

    -I have given myself infinite Ender Particles
    -Advancements in crafting systems have been discovered
    kaja_the_pug and 607 like this.
  4. Wow, this sounds very interesting. It reminds me a bit of portal.
    I really hope you'll keep going with this! (says 607, who hasn't worked on his adventure map for months)
    MasterDude13 likes this.
  5. -Sighs- My girlfriend says it resembles Portal too, but the only similar gameplay that I have planned would be a very kind instructor >.<
    kaja_the_pug and 607 like this.
  6. This sounds very tricky and fun! I love adventure maps so I will try to be there sometime today or during the week! :)
    MasterDude13 likes this.
  7. You would need to download the map when I have actually completed it, this could never be built on EMC and work properly =P
    kaja_the_pug and 607 like this.
  8. I'll attempt to try to download it. =p
  9. I want to do it...
    How would I?
    Is it in the frontier?
    MasterDude13 likes this.
  10. kaja_the_pug and 607 like this.
  11. Challenge Acce... oh wait my too do list is to big at the moment :(
    MasterDude13 likes this.
  12. I done get it...
    What map?

    Isn't it a real, live Maze of some sort?
    MasterDude13 likes this.
  13. You'll probably have to wait a while to replicate it anyways, and have Command Blocks enabled =P

    This is an Adventure Map being currently created on my Singleplayer world, when it's finished I'll supply a download in the OP for all to play
    kaja_the_pug, 607 and EmoryCrafts like this.

  14. Testing out some particles for possible features ;)

    These are particles trailing after arrows, (Speed Arrow; left | Explosive Arrow; right)
    kaja_the_pug, EmoryCrafts and 607 like this.