A Thank You

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jacob5089, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Hey guys,
    Going to try to keep this short and not winding along but here goes.
    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that's helped make EMC what is is, and what is has been for so many years. Although I'm not anywhere near as active as I used to be, I still like to check the forums and pop into the game every once in a while just to see how things are going. This place has given me things to do, as well as provided some comfort simply through its familiarity, for so many years. It seems impossible that I've been playing here for seven years, and yet here we are. I've had friends come and go on the server, as well as some that I still enjoy talking with regularly. Thank you to the mods and staff that help keep EMC functioning as well as it does, and for providing such a good space simply to have fun.
    Thanks again,
  2. Hey Jacob sorry to see you become more inactive. I have recently become more inactive over the months as well. But I hope to see you return in the future! See ya later man! Realized this wasn't a going away thread lol.... Hope to see you in game I enjoy our little chats =P
    ThaKloned and jacob5089 like this.
  3. I agree, Emc is amazing, and you are to Jacob, and if EMC didint have the players, it wouldn’t be as good.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  4. I hope things turn out ok and you can pop in once a while but either way good luck :)
    jacob5089 likes this.
  5. EMC is a difficult place to leave :D
    jacob5089 likes this.