800 days of battmeghs! [diamond voucher giveaway]

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by batmegh, Apr 19, 2014.

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  1. hey!
    so, recently i've discovered that i'm a few days past 800 days old! :D
    (i know that is a pretty long time to be dealing with me, sorry, not sorry :p)

    so, as celebration for my 800 days, i'm going to hold a giveaway
    .. hmm, the rules for this giveaway are
    pick a number, from 1-100
    if you pick a number that has already been picked you're out
    so pay attention!
    you can ask me questions if you wish, so on, and so forth!
    have at it my loves

    oh, have i told you the giveaway is for a Diamond Supporter Voucher? ... yeah, get on that!

    1. mman2832
    2. blackdown10
    3. ChickenButler
    4. cunuckshockey
    5. penfoldex
    6. Amazin_Swordfish
    7. samsimx
    8 _BlueSpectre_
    9. kromo30
    10. nick_godoy
    11. autumnrain26
    12. FDNY21
    13. HylanNinja
    14. Silken_thread
    15. kyle12cu1
    16. Raindeer
    17. Luckypat
    18. Ark_Warrior1
    19. testman12345
    20. Ethy202
    21. BlackKnight1021
    22. cutejuliew
    23. Defluxer
    24. mba2012
    25. Nilex92
    26. RebelSpartan0826
    27. Olaf_C
    28. 1998golfer
    29. hashhog3000
    30. NathanRP
    31. kitten3101
    32. porphos
    33. Rezxz
    34. horrid1999
    35. SteamedEcko
    36. crnky
    37. generalfelino015
    38. TomvanWijnen
    39. joshyrocks13
    40. marknaaijer
    41. jrm531
    42. Torian42
    43. goreman2000
    44. SkyDragonv8
    45. SgtStutta45
    46. MasterMockery
    47. xI_Like_A_Pigx
    48. allengero
    49. slash14459
    50. FireHouse_Dragon
    51. _RedSpectre_
    52. Sunny_Chicken
    53. daveiscool321
    54. sha449
    55. dresden72
    56. ninjaboy5656
    57. OrigamiJoe
    58. kevdudeman
    59. deathconn
    60. IronicSwordPlay
    61. southpark347
    64. Kerstab
    65. 820327
    66. weeh666
    67. SDOliveria
    68. wisepsn
    69. 4d_m1n
    70. ErikRodhi
    71. DJ__Krazy
    72. 607
    73. princebee
    74. pascal1881
    75. raidinggod101
    76. Mr_Zulus
    77. boozle628
    78. trent948
    79. SecureCheese
    80. jkrmnj
    81. Kev20022
    82. Jay2a
    83. Agent_Notch
    84. xothis_dwarf
    85. Ultimamaxx
    86. sonicol1
    87. jkjkjk182
    88. zh88
    89. hYLiF3
    90. KJHadderll01
    91. MineMeetsRoblox
    92. Leopard_knight
    93. cowland123
    94. QuarterStop
    95. PandasEatRamen
    96. Lukas3226
    97. yankees518
    98. Mirr0rr
    99. BTHarrold98
    100. MrUnknownian
  2. 44: Why did you want to become a mod?
    Equinox_Boss and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  3. 87. Thoughts on the upcoming Batman movie?
    Equinox_Boss and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  4. 37. What happens if another zombie bites you?
    Equinox_Boss and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  5. 21 please
    Is it pronounced data or data?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. 7
    Why havent you posted in show yourself lately? :eek:
  7. 1 Please! What did you think of Michael Caine in the dark night?
    Equinox_Boss and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  8. 49 please :)
    Equinox_Boss and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  9. .. kind of love this place :p :D
    kind of worried about Ben... >_> but i'll give him a chance.
    daaaa (as in daaaaad) data. :p
    you mean you aren't sick and tired of seeing me post a picture everyday? :eek:
    thank you :) .. i dunno, you tell me :p because i haven't a clue xD
  10. 42, of course.

    Congrats again. :D

    What's your favorite Batman storyline?
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  11. 53 Please
    How long have you been a mod for?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Battmeghs!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    Don't want a spot, just good to see you!
    Equinox_Boss and battmeghs like this.
  13. 22 pleasee congrats on 800 :D
    Equinox_Boss and battmeghs like this.
  14. thank you, and i am not sure. lolol
    3 ish hours? lol :D
    thank you :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  15. spedybear, Equinox_Boss and battmeghs like this.
  16. 65 and congrats on so long!
    Equinox_Boss and battmeghs like this.
  17. 100, please. How did you find out about EMC?
    spedybear and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. way long time ago.. i googled minecraft servers.. this was one of those results :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. 57 please and ty, nahnahnahnah gratz meghs gratz meghs gratz meghs
  20. The number I wanted is taken, and Matt Damon as Batman.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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