80 slots what you think?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by sebbe_kung, Jan 29, 2012.

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  1. I'm hating when smp4 is full and it is like all the time so i ask what u think about making it 80 or like 100 slots i'm going to ask Justin how ever so yeah tell me what you think!
  2. This has been discussed in many other threads. We will be adding smp5 soon and that will add 60 more slots, however we will not be increasing the current servers beyond 60. We want to ensure that the servers always run smooth and as lag free as possible, 60 is a good number for that. You could also consider supporting EMC, you can get a reserved slot for a full month for $5: http://empireminecraft.com/upgrade/
    sebbe_kung likes this.
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