600 Days!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by neonkillah, Nov 27, 2013.


Video Game?

Minecraft 27 vote(s) 81.8%
Skyrim 7 vote(s) 21.2%
Animal Crossing 4 vote(s) 12.1%
Star Wars Battlefront II 4 vote(s) 12.1%
Team Fortress 2 9 vote(s) 27.3%
Fez 3 vote(s) 9.1%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. 20 please. What is your favourite game?
  2. Pizza is awesome. Bacon is also awesome. Bacon pizza <3
    CoVarkian Empire :p
    Steak and potatoes, lol. #Manlymanismanly
    It's actually getting really good. Just today I found 8 diamond horse armors, and I brought back a stack and 48 diamond ores from my old base. (I've been trying to get back there for forever, lol). In addition, I also finished my second res permanently! It looks pretty sick.

    Minecraft at the moment, lol. But for nostalgia, I love to play Lost Odyssey.

    Also Richard, 20 is already taken :)
  3. 18, also why is everyone asking questions did I manage to skip that part? xD
  4. 9 please <3
    Fav block/item?
  5. Because I am egotistic and love having people ask questions about myself :v
    I like Spruce logs the most, and I find power in diamond ores :p
  6. Bump :D 12 hours left guys. This stuff is pretty cool.
  7. 25 please rain or sun? :p
  8. 5 You Like Sandwiches
  9. 19 Pls
    Have you ever played and elder scrolls game? If so, are you looking forward to the new elder scrolls game coming out in March 2014, The Elder Scrolls: Online :3
  10. Rain. Moar Emc yolosw4qqy

    I guess I like sandwiches then :-:

    I don't think I have, lol. In fact I don't even know what it is :p
  11. 11. what is your favorite name
  12. Alright everyone! 20 minutes until the prize is awarded!
  13. 22 please or any number close to that is left. What is your favorite thing about Empire?
  14. Favorite name is Bradly.

    Probably the diamonds :D

    Alright everybody, the [OFFICIAL] winner is number 7!
    Play, you win. Congratzias.
    Come to my second residence on smp8 when you have the time. Take the teleport directly on your right, and there should be an access chest with your name on it.
  15. thank you! 7 is my lucky number ;)
  16. Skyrim is an elder scrolls game, elder scrolls 5 to be more precise, you've probably heard of skyrim :3
  17. 26 please, if i win i will use the stuff for auction to fund my res replacemend for our (toridesu and me) charity res replacement (total costs 1ooK)

    and congratz on you 600th day
  18. It's over :p
  19. really? :eek: Always happens to me ):
    well still congratz