50,000 R Give Away

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by lavaman1220, Sep 22, 2014.

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  1. *50,000* give away. How to enter? Just write a random number from 1-100 the one who guesses the number or comes the closes to the number wins. Good luck....
    *edit* Giveaway will end in 2 days, must have at least 10 post for giveaway to go on.
    *edit* I am doing this give away because I haven't touched Minecraft in over 5 months. I have money from being a donor and would like to give it away. I have some more amazing giveaways coming in the future.
    *edit* There Will be slots availed for everyone, to get the most people possible I will have the give away end on 9/25/2014 at 12:00 Am EST
    *edit* Their WILL be slots for everyone.

    1- coopercatcycling
    2- herocrafter2912
    3- rock00888
    4- eklektoi
    5- bringmeacloud
    6- tuqueque
    7- epic0258
    8- Pab105
    9- captaincraft300
    11- fallsteel
    12- scorpio528
    13- starrock13
    14- 930o4
    15- adondrabkin
    16- Sir_Reginald_
    17- Luckypat
    18- high_jacker
    19- snow_freak
    20- sheisnice
    21- blackknight1021
    22- technologygeek
    23- porphos
    24- sambish20
    25- kev20022
    26- lukas3226
    27- lukafolz
    28- hashhog3000
    29- ultimamaxx
    30- emtec121
    31- neonz59
    32- FDNY21
    33- heiusion
    34- saint311
    35- generalfelino015
    36- pascal1881
    37- tedrocker
    38- tomvanwijnen
    39- zh88
    40- cowland123
    41- 607
    42- Dj__krazy
    43- Ultimate_GG
    44- babycreepersrule
    45- jacob5089
    46- nick_godoy
    47- canuckshockey
    48- banditlm
    49- MHeller2017
    50- marshmallow369
    51- techfilmer
    52- dwight5273
    53- mrbigbux
    54- icecreamhorse
    55- nyan_kat7
    56- jeffreyli2003
    57- Yankees518
    58- Apcmagician
    59- redfire23
    60- caleb_moyer
    61- electric_tree
    62- hurferdurfer1
    63- niallersgirl1706
    64- purebredgaeilge
    65- parodymaster6
    66- Usb25
    67- banditlm
    68- jeffreyli2003
    69- ark_warrior1
    70- fluffynuggetggg
    71- nathanrp
    72- uber_corq
    73- andrewmatic
    74- princebee
    77- iamfuturetrunks
    78- battmeghs
    79- Haerhitman
    80- weirdmanaico
    81- deemideem
    85- havioxs
    86- epicman81401
    87- skarecboi
    88- rednaxdlevennoz
    89- qwerty189
    90- trapper777
    91- netherspecter
    93- karatekick2001
    94- bubleninja13
    96- septhekid
    97- claremuss
    98- miner_peace
    99- wildbeast23
    100- kitten3101

    Attached Files:

    porphos, rock00888 and Deemideem like this.
  2. 24 please :) Thanks for doing this giveaway!
  3. 28, please, thanks for doing this! :)
    sambish20 likes this.
  4. 21 please. (beat you to it FDNY21 :p)

    Thanks for doing this wonderful giveaway you amazing individual.
    MrUnknownian, FDNY21 and sambish20 like this.
  5. That's a little awkward.......
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  6. I'm a little awkward
    MrUnknownian, lavaman1220 and 607 like this.
  7. 41 :) For anyone who doesn't know how to get a random number, you can use random.org.
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