4DC OF PLAYER HEADS ( Names listed)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by xGhostReach, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. I deeply apologize for bidding incorrectly (it's not like my bid followed all bidding rules or anything). I hope to learn from your feedback and avoid making the same mistake in the future.
  2. It's cool, dude. I didnt even know there were bidding rules. It's just a formality in my eyes :p
  3. the minimum bid increment is 500r if he wants to bid 500r more then the last bid everytime he can. dont like it? too bad outbid him. stop bumping without bidding however (you are the one breaking rules here pooploser)
  4. 160r
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  5. Well. I'm still winning.
    Pooploser912 likes this.
  6. I never said he was breaking the rules.
  7. I meant 160K
    jkjkjk182 and Pooploser912 like this.
  8. 160k + 500r = 160.5k
  9. I suggest if anyone is annoyed by mruknownians minimum bids then they should bid larger amounts to discourage him ;) (not trying to get more rupees or anything) bumpity bump
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  10. yea thats a great idea 200k
    HurricaneHero35 likes this.
  11. Looks like we finally got rid of the troll bidder mruknownian >:) bump for that!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. I'm not a troll bidder. I bid to win auctions. Almost every auction I bid on I win, you can see that for yourself by looking at my posts (who even troll bids at the 100k range?). I understand that you have the mind set to demean me for anything I do, but there is simply no reason for it. And no, you didn't get rid of me. I meant to say LOL in lowercase, representing the fact that it's funny how obvious it was that all g00tch wanted to do was drive me up in price for this auction.

  13. 240k i must have D:
  14. lol i can go on like this all day 260k
  15. wow you earned your rupees really fast unless this is an alt...
    Pooploser912 likes this.
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