4 Apartments and a Penthouse for rent on smp5 at 11466.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DailyNeff, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. *4 lower level dungeon apartments with crafting bench furnace and full sized chest with bed. Iron door access. Located next to a fully stocked, very large shop with an enchanted items store.
    * 1 Penthouse suite with crafting bench, 4 furnaces, enchantment table, cauldron, brewing station and hot tub. Located on the top floor of the building with a full glass roof and wall to look out unto the tower of my shop. 2 full sized chests but will add more upon request.

    Going up soon will be a high rise apartment building with over 50 rooms!

    Come take a look on smp 5 lot 11466 and MESSAGE me if you are interested.

    Payments are monthly: 1000 for penthouse, 250 for dungeon.

    Payment must be received by midnight on the night rent is due or signs will be broken and items taken as collateral.

    Have fun!