3 Year AMA - Giveaway

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Roslyn, Nov 30, 2014.


Additional DP?

What do you even have to drop? 3 vote(s) 13.6%
Wait till christmas for the Christmas Secret Santa Giveaway? 19 vote(s) 86.4%
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  1. Yo yo today is my 1095th day on Empire Minecraft (3 years)
    Ask me anything you wanna know about myself or what I do on Empire Minecraft

    The giveaway is quite simple - With your question put a # 1 - 100 and I will pick a number next Sunday at 12:00PM Pacific Standard Time.

    Prize: 50k
    Winner will be picked using Random.org

    #1 Bro_Im_Infinite
    #2 EquableHook624
    #7 eklektoi
    #11 Pineapplegem
    #13 Tuequque
    #17 batmanlovesyou
    #19 Krishna3340
    #21 FDNY21
    #22 mman2832
    #23 TigerStarMC
    #25 Leopard_knight
    #26 akela132
    #27 Deathconn
    #28 KarateKick2001
    #29 JeffreyLi2003
    #31 TechFilmer
    #33 Jrm531
    #37 Generalfelino015
    #39 MrWhosAwesome
    #49 Slash14459
    #54 RunningRhino
    #55 KlopTheFish
    #60 L3A8
    #70 Iamfuturetrunks
    #78 battmeghs
    #84 Sunny_Chicken
    #85 Dj__Krazy
    # 87
    #100 TehRandomX

    Also if anyone can teach me how to correctly use a spoiler, that would be nice. I failed countless times trying so I left it BIG and OPEN

    cadgamer101 likes this.
  3. 1
    How did you get the name southpark347?
    southpark347 likes this.
  4. #27 please!

    Congratulations on 3 years, you're old!

    My question is: what's your favorite memory from each smp?
    southpark347 likes this.
  5. Used to go by the alias southpark348 on many other games which 348 was a simple sequence of +1 x 2 so 3+1 =4 x 2 = 8
    Then I dropped it down a # using 347 which is simply 3+4 = 7
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  6. Update: There appears to be a bug when saving the names when editing the OP. It reverts to the Original Posted Default. Will update when fixed.
  7. 22 did you enjoy the bad builders thing yesterday?
    southpark347 likes this.
  8. Hmm Not quite sure. I don't have much to remember on each but certain ones. I would say Smp8, Smp2, and Smp5

    I did enjoy it xDDD Doe Fort Aussie is leet
  9. Wow, happy three years!
    For the spoiler, put:
    [spoiler="Giveaway Numbers"]
    (insert all the numbers here)
    How did you find out about EMC? And I'll take 33 please.
    southpark347 likes this.
  10. what is your favorite mob, and why? lucky number 17 pleasee
    southpark347 likes this.
  11. Why did u pay for diamond supporter for the longest time?

    Number 2 :D
  12. Dankies for Spoiler and I found EMC through MCSL when the site was in its early derpy looking stages and EMC had a tag somewhere on there. Economy! was the catch for me. Was very small and ICC and Justin were running the operation then. Good times but my god the ban reasons there were insane IE FaustLauncher.
    Please add a question to your Number.
    My favorite mob will be the bunny because they're cute n cuddly <3
  13. wow nice keep it up. What is your best memory on emc and ill take 44
    southpark347 likes this.
  14. Something something eyes something open?

    I don't need a number.
    southpark347 likes this.
  15. I did not xD - Rupees did
    My best memory on EMC..... Had to be 2012 Christmas when I gave away lots of stuff to the community. I still remember that whole thing. Either that or meeting the current great friends I have now here.
    Something Something Dark Side.... Something Something Secret...
  16. How's stuff doing in the Mumble server? 85
    southpark347 likes this.
  17. What's your favourite dessert to make/eat?

    I like the number 7 ... get it? 3+4=7 ;)
    southpark347 likes this.
  18. 29 please congrats! How did you find EMC?
    And how many rupees do you have?
    southpark347 likes this.
  19. Nobody has taken number 21 yet! Muhaha :D Question: What is your favourite car, if any? :)
    southpark347 likes this.
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