3 Operating systems that you MUST try!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by PseudoDistant, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. Hello there, I'm Hunter2002, And this is Hunter's Picks! Todays topic: OS's. Let's get into it!
    Xubuntu: Xubuntu is a light OS that's based on Ubuntu. It uses 0.5 GB RAM, And requires a pitiful 700MHz processor (0.7 GHz), leaving more resources for games than Windows can dream of giving!
    DSL: **** Small Linux is Famous for being so light! With a RAM requirement of 8MB and the ability to run on an old 486 processor, one would think that the 50MB operating system is too good to be true, but it's really true! But, It's 32-bit, so expect a real limit in usability, also the kernel is outdated, so the Wonder System is more limited than almost anything that I've seen before. However, It's still unbelievable so use it!
    SparkyLinux: Gameover Edition: This OS is built specifically for gamers! not much else needs to be said, but I'll say it anyway. It needs 512MB RAM and any processor that You'd expect to see in a gaming YouTubers computer, so if you have a gaming machine that costs +$700 then SparkyLinux: Gameover Edition is for you!
    I hope that you like ( and continue to use ) at least one of these systems. Anyway that is it for today, I will see you later, Bye!
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