24 Iron Supporter Vouchers

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TheCritic, Aug 17, 2017.

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  1. Item: 24 Iron Supporter Voucher
    Starting Bid: 2,000,000 Rupees
    Minimum Bid Increment: 5000 Rupees
    Auction Ending Time: 48 Hours after last post

    Item can be Previewed at SMP4 /v 9775
    This is a great deal on Supporter Vouchers. Two full years at iron supporter level, with all of the benefits that entails. Also, can be combined into 12 Gold Supporter Vouchers or 6 Diamond Vouchers. If you have the rupees available, this is a great discount off of purchasing individually, and incredibly convenient to purchase all in one auction. If you have the means, I highly recommend it.

  2. Day 1 - Bunp
  3. I always hate to go on record and burst bubbles or sway potential bidders... However you've set the starting price darn near value... Well actual prices very between sellers... So I'm going with these that I've sen the most. 80k for Iron bringing the total value to 1,920,000... If converted to Gold vouchers which is where you get the most bang for your buck... 180k with a value of 2,160,000 and Diamond at a high of 350k (I see them sold for less) Vauled at 2,100,000.

    So There isn't much if any incentive to bid on these unless they wanted to use them personally. I know you might take a hit on these but maybe make a starting bid 1 mill... Or convert to gold vouchers and use them for incentives for people to join your Empires outpost.
  4. Its prob a better chance to auction say 2-4 at a time, as this amount limits your bidders, not only from the cost but the amount at once.
    BitcoinDigger and Cardman142 like this.
  5. No burst bubble at all. I'm new and learning. Maybe the convenience is valuable to someone, maybe not. Thanks for the advice! I'll just bump them Sat/Sun and let it expire if no one wants them.
    BitcoinDigger likes this.
  6. No Bids..... closed and reposted with lower starting price.
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