2 years in the making~

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Joniia, Nov 23, 2016.

  1. hey there
    Hello~ I don't really know how to start this off, but, I've been on EMC for 2 years, some months from 3, and I never really made a proper 'introduce yourself' forum. And, I don't know if it's just me, but I find these forums important (in a way) because they let you learn about a player, even if you don't get the chance to talk to them. I figured I'd finally find the courage to make one.


    So, I guess to begin, I'll ramble about who I am a bit. My original username was Frostbrewed, but I ended up growing out of that since it didn't really have any meaning or reason behind it. I'm female, and 12 years old. The reason I don't really contribute to the community much is because, for one, I'm an introvert, but I'm also scared to. A lot of the time, I feel like a bother, or kind of.. stupid, I guess? I don't have very good social skills, along with having a hard time trusting people and opening up. Anyways, I wear glasses because I'm farsighted, and 20 feet away seems like 40 to me;

    I don't really know what to talk about, so I'll just ramble about my personality a bit. I enjoy minimalistic, tiny things, along with warm colors. Both of those things feel oddly comforting to me. I'm pretty loyal, I suppose, and I'm quite shy. I tend to be sarcastic, and my humor is very dry. I can be kind of emotional or a downer, unfortunately. I try my best to be positive, but it's hard given what I've gone through. To be as honest as I can, I don't have a bad life. I'm well aware many have it worse than me, but I'm overly emotional and depressed. Sorry, I'm going on about that too much. I'm very apologetic, too, even when I shouldn't be. I tend to be gullible and forgiving, but I'm hardheaded.

    I'm what they call 'gifted'. I'm put into 9th-grade classes when I'm in 7th grade, and it's extremely exhausting and difficult. But, since my life is all education and art oriented (which seems odd to say), I enjoy the challenge. I like to write stories and paint/sketch. One of my favorite things to do, though, is to sit in the rain. Nothing more, nothing less. I just, enjoy it. You could call me a pluviophile. I'm also a Virgo sun , Aquarius Moon, and Scorpio Rising

    I'm sorry, I've gone on for too long.

    I hope, whoever you are, that you have a nice day. I hope the sun shines for you.



    Feel free to AMA
  2. Glad you finally opened up!:) I had the same problem, and still do. I get nervous ALL the time, even when it comes to talking in town chat. I'm glad you made this thread, you seem like a very nice person and i'd love to get to know you better!
    MyWonderwall likes this.
  3. This was so nice and sincere. If you ever wanna chat or need anything my inbox in always open.

    What is your favorite thing to do on EMC and minecraft in general? :)

    Ch33zus and MyWonderwall like this.
  4. I really enjoy adventuring aimlessly, as odd as it sounds. I enjoy wandering in nature irl, so it coincides with my enjoyment of exploring the different biomes. ^^;
    _Devil__ and Eviltoade like this.
  5. *mails DC of poppies*
    MyWonderwall and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  6. Rhycicles likes this.
  7. Hi MyWonderwall. Nice to meet you. I see your not new to the forums, but hope to see more of you on here. It is a good way to open up more and who knows, you may end up like Shell and have your posts run on for ever. ;)
    MyWonderwall likes this.
  8. Haha, thank you. I'm trying to be more active in the community.
    Have a nice day.
  9. Good to see you making this thread, Can't wait to get to know you!
    MyWonderwall likes this.
  10. Thank you! I hope to get to know you as well
  11. I've been following you for like, a long time and had no idea who you were lol. Well, now I know! Nice to meet you!
    MyWonderwall likes this.