16022 Head Museum Donation INFO

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Kryarias, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. The 16022 Head Museum is looking for head donations and Drop Party donations. To donate please go to /v 16022. I will be donating to the drop party also if you want to donate rupees then please send them to Kryarias. This event will be scheduled when all the heads and props are in place.
  2. And not a lot of heads.
  3. Ill have a chest for you at 5554. Follow signs to my auction room.

    Inside the chest will be a small donation. Give me 8 hours
  4. Chest is it for you Kryarias
  5. Yes set it up to my name, thanks
  6. Bump, there is a bin to donate your head and another to donate drop party items.
  7. Bump, we are in need of staff heads or rupees to buy those heads. I myself have put alot into them already but I just don't have enough
  8. Bump, still need LOTS of donations
  9. Please drop your head in and donate a few items if you can. The past 2 weeks we have gotten 0 donations.