100k milestone

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by KingofKraft13, May 21, 2012.

  1. I don't have 1 million, Pthagaard does :p
  2. I'm in the 600k Club. Yeahh boiiii.
    PThagaard likes this.
  3. Bah, i only have 300+ :(
  4. Haha, i beat you all, im at my 10k milestone! *Whoop Whoop*
  5. no, you should guive it to me
    the money of coarce,... and ur diamonds or DIE
  6. oh, LOL forgot to leav a name.... so u all should guive all your money and diamonds 2 me
  7. How+About+No.jpg
  8. 175k club, yeaaah boy. Working my way up in the EMC world slowly.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  9. My main goal is to be the Bill Gates on EMC :) impossible but dream able :)
  10. you cant change your name in mc >:p
  11. Well I am making money qUite fast now :) I'm getting close to 456k now :D I should make 500 soon :D
  12. To bad I can't get on EMC to make moore :p
  13. Then you should use the sig I have! 3K Club FTW!
  14. I changed my signature.