10 DCs of Stone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ChickenDice, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. im out
  2. hmm looks like some fun up in here
  3. Bump. roblikescake is in the lead with 75,000r. Only a couple more hours left to bid!
  4. Bumpeldore the wizard... Current bid is 75,000 and the action still has a few hours!
  5. 75001
    Lol nope not ending yet
    ChickenDice likes this.
  6. 75002

    eventually someone will join my fun
    ChickenDice likes this.
  7. Well I assume this is still going as I've never experienced this before but Bump! Roblikescake in the lead with 75,002r!
  8. Bump... roblikescake is still in the lead and may be for the next couple of months... roblikescake what are doing if I may ask? Haha
  9. Keeping this alive lol
  10. Damn forgot to bid again :/ I'll pay you in the morning