[Auction] 1 DC packed ice

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by QueenofErebor, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. 1 DC of packed ice is on bid!

    Starting Bid: 1000 rupees

    Minimum Bid Increment: 100 rupees
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after the last valid bid
    Pickup: smp2 Queenoferebor-2
  2. thanks :)
  3. 2345r
    Patr1cV likes this.
  4. 2728r
    Patr1cV likes this.
  5. 3210r
    Patr1cV likes this.
  6. i would bid but nah i'm dry ice
  7. Aww, the number game ended :p
