1 DC of Llama spawn eggs

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Coorisnar, Jan 24, 2017.

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  1. 8448r

    Learned llamas leave lasting legacies. 2^8 x 3 x 11. Producing practical palindromic products of palindromic primes since post number six. Fast fact about llamas: they can reach speeds up to 35 miles per hour!
  2. bump....jaqque you kill me...I wanna see more :D
  3. 9774r

    That's not a typo. But wait! I hear everyone shouting! That's not a palindrome! And you're right, it's not, it's five away from a palindrome. I was at the alpaca farm, and talking with them I realized my oversight; I kept thinking of the llamas as a pack (they are pack animals) but they are individuals, with individual lives and loves and maths, and each llama, of course, deserves its own palindromic prime. 54 x 181. Timely llama fact about llamas: their gestation period is 350 days! (2 x 5^2 x 7 so many palindromic primes)
  4. Jaqque is again in the lead with a bid of a unit based palindromic bid of 9774.

    His petting zoo is well on its way it seems...unless someone else steps in
  5. 21 hours left to bid n see what other magical numbers Jaqque can come up with
    Current bid 9774r
  6. just under 24 hours left to bid
    Tuqueque in the lead with 10k
  7. Down to the last 2 hours for bidding.
    Tuqueque in the lead with a bid of 10k.
  8. And we have a winner!
    Tuqueque, I will setup an access chest this after noon for you once I've received payment.
    You can pick up your new pets at \v 10333 on SMP5 (behind you when you teleport in)
  9. Alot later than 'afternoon'...sorry dude, rl caught me.
    Access setup at SMP5 \v 10333
    Payment received.
    Thread can be xlosed.

    And thanks all for the bids!!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  10. Thanks! btw, the setup is wrong. The access sign needs to be on top of chest =P not infront. Dont worry, IRL sometimes gets in the way for me also
  11. oh frack....I'll fix it right now! Sorry!
  12. Please treat those llamas well :)
    Tuqueque likes this.
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