♥ Balance Suggestion ♥

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by flippingnootnoot, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. Unless EMC already has a command for this, I was thinking you could add a command similar to /bal [player]? It's where you can check other player's rupee amounts. I suggested this because there were some other servers I've played with this command. Not really useful, but I just think it would be easier to check player's rupee amounts this way. Byeee ~ ♥
  2. Has been suggested numerous times and has always been denied. A player's balance should be their business ONLY unless they choose to share it.
    deathconn and hyphychristine like this.
  3. Oh sorry. I didn't know I just joined yesterday. ;)
  4. Welcome to EMC.
    hyphychristine likes this.
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