Comments on Profile Post by BenCannoli

  1. generalfelino015
    Aug 14, 2015
  2. BenCannoli
    Although I don't really get involved in political affairs, I kinda have to agree, she is messing things up.
    Aug 14, 2015
  3. CadenMann
    Move to Canada, silly. Then we can hang out and hunt moose.
    Aug 14, 2015
  4. BenCannoli
    I would love to, I just need to pay the army tax, get a passport, get some money (unless you plan on taking care of me :3), and of course finish some studies (since that small incident with my father kinda... delayed some of my studies)
    Aug 14, 2015
  5. generalfelino015
    Move to Paraguay your vecino since colonial times. And you can life the same life as Brazil, but with less laws and taxes.
    Aug 14, 2015
  6. BenCannoli
    I don't speak Spanish though... :P
    Aug 14, 2015
  7. wonderwoman_16
    I love Canada.. I'm half canadian.... Don't ask it's a 7 hour story, and people have heard it.
    Aug 15, 2015
  8. BenCannoli
    I would love to visit Canada someday... Or live in it. It's just being hard... But I'll manage to get there someday.
    Aug 15, 2015