Comments on Profile Post by Jay2a

  1. NeedsFoodBadly
    Oh hey, it's actually a graphic from an old game called Gauntlet. Just google, "Wizard needs food badly."
    Jul 16, 2015
  2. Jay2a
    Makes sense. I was wondering because generally all pixel art I use is my own.
    Jul 16, 2015
  3. NeedsFoodBadly
    I do original stuff as well, both art and graphics for games I program. But yeah, like I said, my avatar is a reference to a classic game.
    Jul 16, 2015
  4. Jay2a
    I'm a really big fan of classic games like that, and I do own an original Game Boy, NES, and SNES, but they're all before my time.
    Jul 16, 2015