Comments on Profile Post by wonderwoman_16

  1. BlinkyBinky
    I've been glitching a lot when I'm logged in and playing EMC. If I'm building, I'll place maybe 6 or 8 blocks down and then it'll erase what I just did, and then I'll have to do it again a second time. It's also been a little slow with opening chests, teleporting,
    Jul 7, 2015
  2. BlinkyBinky
    and entering things into chat. I don't think it's a lag, because I can roam freely about without it being slow. So I feel your pain, and I'm not sure what's up.
    Jul 7, 2015
  3. BlinkyBinky
    Also, my apologies for venting on your profile :)
    Jul 7, 2015
  4. wonderwoman_16
    Thanks for help! And, it's ok.
    Jul 7, 2015