Thank you for the welcome and the invite :) I would like to visit your community. Building in town is enjoyable but solitary. I'll be working on my farm the rest of this evening on 10453 if you want to get ahold of me.
I might not be on much until this weekend. We don't bring anyone out unless we fell secure they would fit in. That is because when someone comes out they don't want to leave. It's that good. You've already given me some info but I have a few more questions if you don't mine.
I will look for you on Friday and the weekend. I have 3 alts so I might contact you with another one. You are welcome to contact the leader, PetuniaFigTree. She will be on more than I.
+Never been banned--in fact my last server gave me some minor mod privileges to help keep the public farm stocked.
+Building structures: 2, I'm not as creative as I used to be, but if someone gives me clear enough explanations, a theme, and/or screenshots I'll build anything.
+Redstone: 2, but I'd REALLY like to improve this. Just haven't found a good guide/teacher yet.
+Mob farms: 3, I helped build a few on my previous server, including two zombie farming/villager curing ones.
+Mumble: I've got it, use it, like it.
+Until I get a job I imagine I'll be on minimum 3 hours a day.
+I love to learn new things and fight/build cooperatively. Strength in numbers and all that. You can count on me not to grief, and if I mess anything up by accident I am quick to report it and fix it. I'm honest and I see no reason to cheat for either fake internet points or real money :)
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