Comments on Profile Post by FDNY21

  1. PlayTehMinecraft
    Nah uh, you smell more! Where have I been? Well, long story short, my accounts got hacked and refunded
    Mar 29, 2015
  2. FDNY21
    You smell even moreee! Oh man :( Are you coming back under another name then? That sucks big time D:
    Mar 29, 2015
  3. PlayTehMinecraft
    Most likely not. Iv'e already spent $100 on accounts which got stolen :P And my life is chaotic enough without all the drama that's a bonus with minecraft.
    Mar 29, 2015
  4. FDNY21
    That's a lot of cash, and to get stolen... :( Shame to see you go like that, but yeah, life can be really chaotic in itself too >_>
    Mar 29, 2015
  5. PlayTehMinecraft
    Sadly yes haha, but I do miss being exited after coming home to play emc with friends :/ But pretty much everyone's left...
    Mar 29, 2015
  6. FDNY21
    EMC has changed a lot, but I'm still here! :D
    Mar 29, 2015
  7. PlayTehMinecraft
    Yay! :D But yeah, Iv'e still been stalking the forums and such so I'm still keeping up
    Mar 29, 2015
  8. FDNY21
    Hooray for forums! I was wondering why I couldn't find your IG a second ago, realised I was typing in jaimeatspants rather than peanuts. Oops... Followed, though :P Nice drawings!
    Mar 29, 2015
  9. PlayTehMinecraft
    Haha xD Thanks :3 Sorry but I have to go for now ;_; I don't know when I'll be back. Thanks for keeping me company, cyaaa~
    Mar 29, 2015
  10. FDNY21
    Aye, my pleasure :D Later Jim Jam! :3
    Mar 29, 2015