Comments on Profile Post by Olaf_C

  1. Olaf_C
    Ahoy hoy everyone! I miss emc, but rl has been a lot better. In school i have a perfect gpa, I have dropped 12 pounds, grown an inch, and i am happier than ever. Lately I have been working on reconnecting with a medium of faith and excelling in school.
    Feb 7, 2015
  2. LuckyPat
    Great to hear Olaf! :D
    Feb 7, 2015
  3. Olaf_C
    However, I do really miss you all. I am not going to be active in game or on the forums, but I am going to start lurking again and occasionally be active (breaks, promos/events).
    Feb 7, 2015
  4. Olaf_C
    I will be a lot more active on skype, and just a little reminder, my skype is Olaf.Cee
    Feb 7, 2015
  5. Olaf_C
    I am also now more active on mumble, and I will read pm's
    Feb 7, 2015
  6. Chizmaro
    Olaf! Nice to see you're still alive!
    Feb 7, 2015