Comments on Profile Post by Kyzoy

  1. g0hl
    They're a beautiful couple. The interaction between those two makes me feel really terrible about myself
    Jan 12, 2015
  2. Kyzoy
    They are the greatest couple. I feel warm inside just by watching.
    Jan 12, 2015
  3. g0hl
    Have you finished the first season? Oh my god the ending though. I'm starting to use Kitero as a role model for my own life and relationship.
    Jan 12, 2015
  4. Kyzoy
    I have finished season two; waiting on season three.. Kirito is the man. If my relationships were that perfect, I'd be the most philanthropic person on the planet.
    Jan 13, 2015
  5. g0hl
    I haven't seen season two yet. GGO doesn't seem that interesting to me. Does the romance story continue between Asuna and Kirito?
    Jan 13, 2015
  6. Kyzoy
    Yes, but it is not the main focus after GGO until the end of S2. The first third of S2 is intense, and awesome. It then goes to "Calibur", and finally to "Mothers Rosario", with Asuna as the lead. In the last episode, it goes back towards their relationship. I have a feeling that S3 will be a lot of romance. (Yay!)
    Jan 14, 2015