Comments on Profile Post by Olaf_C

  1. Olaf_C
    2-4 gb dedicated vRAM, or 16 gbs of ram. I can also survive with a non quad core processor. I need good battery life in a light and attractive package. Nothing provides that like the MacBook Air, especially in my price range.
    Dec 20, 2014
  2. g0hl
    g0hl > better than Macs for gaming. I was on JC's Mac that's like a year and a half old and it sucked for gaming. If you don't want to worry about battery life then just get a desktop. :P
    Dec 20, 2014
  3. Olaf_C
    I am honestly not a gamer, and If I was I would be getting a lenovo y50. I need battery life for school, and I use my laptop a lot in all of my classes. The good looking laptops are all out of my budget, too. I want something a bit more modest, and with some brand recognition. I have never heard of half of these brands.
    Dec 20, 2014
  4. Olaf_C
    If I was a coder, I would get a high spec windows, but I know that I won't be doing anything professional. I am going to save up for a second desktop I can load ubuntu on for coding, but for school a gaming laptop would not work out.
    Dec 20, 2014
  5. Bro_im_infinite
    IMO If you play Minecraft, you are a 'gamer' , if thats the only game you play, you aren't a 'hardcore gamer'. You don't have to play every game out there to be called a 'gamer', just if you play any game, whether it be a phone game, console, or whatever game regularly.
    Dec 20, 2014
  6. Bro_im_infinite
    or also could be considered a 'casual gamer'
    Dec 20, 2014
  7. Olaf_C
    I am fading away from minecraft, and for the past few months I have been slowly leaving minecraft. I play less than 30 minutes a day, now. My only connection to minecraft now is the EMC site.
    Dec 20, 2014
  8. g0hl
    Yeah that's true I guess. A tablet also might be something to look into then. The Surface Pro lineup of tablets are really decent, actually. It's nice and portable and you can have a detachable keyboard and mouse for it.
    Dec 20, 2014
  9. g0hl
    For coding you don't need anything too high on a specifications list anyways unless you're doing more intricate coding where you'd need like a quad core processor.
    Dec 20, 2014
  10. g0hl
    Also, you can just dual boot Ubuntu on your current rig - if you desired. No need for separate desktop. Even if you're using 8.1 and using two different disk partitioning tables, there's workarounds. I currently have Windows 7 and OpenSUSE on this computer that I'm running right now. Another thing you could do if you don't want to install a separate OS is you could just run a Virtual Machine. :D
    Dec 20, 2014
  11. Olaf_C
    I know I can dual boot ubuntu on my mac. Thanks for the coding advice on specs, though. That is good to know. I actually am still considering a surface pro 3, but it is slightly more expensive. I would be paying a lot more for the same specs. I do not care for a touch screen, and the pen does not matter that much to me.
    Dec 20, 2014
  12. g0hl
    yessir ^-^
    Dec 20, 2014
  13. Olaf_C
    I am looking at pricing now, and I am torn. They are very comparable in specs, and the mac has better battery life, but both are very good. The touch screen would not be necessary for me, but it would me somewhat nice. If I were going to buy a new Surface, it would cost 250 dollars more than a new mac. I could get a used surface, but I would feel uncomfortable about getting one used.
    Dec 20, 2014
  14. Olaf_C
    Also the fact that a surface is hard to use in your lap compared to a macbook or standard laptop
    Dec 20, 2014
  15. g0hl
    I'd go with usability, in that case. A Lenovo Thinkpad might also be something to consider. ^-^
    Dec 20, 2014
  16. Sambish
    Regarding coding, Macs are actually used by a lot of developers instead of Windows.
    Dec 20, 2014
  17. Olaf_C
    The problem is, is nothing in a mac is upgradable. For usability, I am considering a lenovo as a 3rd choice.
    Dec 20, 2014
  18. g0hl
    Sams right but keep in mind OSX is based off of Unix. Lenovo ThinkPads are pretty rad. JC's dad gave me one and I use it for connecting to my Virtual Machine and it runs really well for being a Laptop from like 2005 :P
    Dec 20, 2014
  19. Sambish
    I've got a Lenovo Z500 i7 edition (getting a custom built desktop soon) and it's pretty amazing.
    Dec 20, 2014
  20. Olaf_C
    I have always really liked lenovo, and the main thing that is keeping me from a y50 is battery life.
    Dec 20, 2014
  21. Sambish
    It's fine if you optimise it.
    Dec 20, 2014
  22. Huckleberry24
    Yes! Go apple!!
    Dec 20, 2014
  23. synth_apparition
    Am I the only one who doesn't care for battery life because my laptop is plugged in all the time? :P
    Dec 20, 2014
  24. Olaf_C
    I would say the same, but my school does not offer many outlets :P
    Dec 20, 2014
  25. Sambish
    I agree with you Soul :P
    Dec 20, 2014
  26. synth_apparition
    You get to bring laptops into school? ._.
    Dec 20, 2014
  27. Olaf_C
    Yeah. Use them for everything.
    Dec 20, 2014
  28. synth_apparition
    My school just gives classes laptops for the students to use :P
    Dec 20, 2014
  29. synth_apparition
    When I say 'laptops' I mean crappy little notebooks.
    Dec 20, 2014
  30. Olaf_C
    Well, I just saw the new HP Omen, so I am going to get that. Not as good of a deal as the lenovo y50, but is has better battery life and is better looking.
    Dec 23, 2014
  31. synth_apparition
    God damn, that is one overpriced as hell laptop.
    Dec 23, 2014
  32. Olaf_C
    It is honestly not THAT overpriced. It has good battery life for the class, it looks good, it is light, it is thin, and it is very high spec. I end up only spending 200 or 300 more than a lenovo or the mac for really great specs.
    Dec 23, 2014
  33. synth_apparition
    £1,000 isn't overpriced? .-. The price tag isn't that much higher on Alienwares, and that's a reason of why I hate them so much.
    Dec 23, 2014
  34. synth_apparition
    Actually, HP Omen's cost upwards of £1,300. Alienwares only cost slightly more than £1,100, so they're cheaper.
    Dec 23, 2014
  35. Olaf_C
    I need something that is high powered, good looking, light, and decent battery life. The omen delivers in those categories.
    Dec 23, 2014
  36. mba2012
    I program on a Macbook Air :P It works fine :P
    Dec 25, 2014