Comments on Profile Post by NetherSpecter

  1. Krysyy
    I hope your dog feels better. I've been through something similar with my dog. Sending you good wishes this holiday season. We'll see you when you get back.
    Dec 4, 2014
  2. synth_apparition
    Attacked by a person or another dog?
    I've been in an 'almost the same' situation before, so I sort of know how it feels. I hope he/she feels better soon :D
    Dec 4, 2014
  3. NetherSpecter
    Yeah by another dog. Our neighbor lets thei 130 pound lam run around the neighborhood. My 30 pound Jack Russel didn't stand much of a chance. Good thing she was smart and pan back into our yard. The lam grabbed her as she was making her way into the fence and ended up tearing her behind pretty good. Thanks for your wishes have a happy holiday. :) <3
    Dec 6, 2014
  4. synth_apparition
    My dog's a Jack Russell too :3 She got attacked by my neighbour's bulldog they let run around outside in their garden and it barks at everyone. They left the gate open one day and my dog walked outside the door. The git chased her inside and bit her on the leg as she ran to her chair. I kicked it in the face and it ran straight back out. The owners came to my house and raged at me [cont]
    Dec 6, 2014
  5. synth_apparition
    for kicking it in the face :/ I said it before, but I hope your dog has a quick recovery and she can enjoy her dog Christmas :P
    Dec 6, 2014
  6. Krysyy
    My dog story:
    Our chihuahua was very young and the neighbor had golden lab sized dogs (cant remember breeds). She was playing in the yard and they got out. She went to be friendly and one of them snarled at her. She ran back and the other dog started following.
    Dec 6, 2014
  7. Krysyy
    The wiener dog went to her defense and all 3 dogs attacked him and tore his neck almost apart. But he lived for 13 years after that so i'd say he healed pretty well.
    Dec 6, 2014
  8. synth_apparition
    Damn :/ I'm kinda glad my dog just got a bite on her leg and I got threatened to have my neck slit open >.> I'm not sure what I would do if more harm came to my dog.
    Dec 6, 2014
  9. synth_apparition
    *than it did*
    Dec 6, 2014
  10. NetherSpecter
    @kryssy Nice to hear that a little thing like a chihuahau can come back from something so tragic. Make me feel a little better about mine.

    @Soul Yeah, I know if my neighbor's dog even threatens Angel. There will be trouble, and it won't be Taylor Swift.
    Dec 6, 2014
  11. synth_apparition
    Or you could tell her you're a fan, get her to go to your neighbor's house and treat him 'like one of your ex-boyfriends'. She'd just whip out a pen and paper and start writing a song about him in his doorway. I'd imagine that would cause some trouble.
    Dec 6, 2014