Comments on Profile Post by PlayTehMinecraft

  1. PlayTehMinecraft
    So far my 2 alts and my main (this account) all the details have been changed and im sooo close to just giving up t(•﹏•t)
    Nov 14, 2014
  2. RainbowPony
    Uhhh tried putting egg, milk, flour, chocolate and my special ingredient, horse manure on it comp? The foul smell will stop peeps from hacking/going anywhere near ur comp :)
    Nov 14, 2014
  3. RainbowPony
    Nov 14, 2014
  4. ToddV
    Reformat your pc.
    Nov 14, 2014
  5. highlancer54
    Ya, what Todd said. Perhaps you have something on your computer (or use some computer) that is compromised. Choose a strong password also! :-( Best of luck.
    Nov 14, 2014
  6. Sambish
    Sadly I'm going to have to agree with Todd. The best you can do is get someone who knows what they're doing (I can help with this :P) to go through your computer and perform various tasks to check it, but something may be hidden and disguising itself as something else. Is it just your Minecraft account that's effected, or other accounts as well?
    Nov 14, 2014
  7. PlayTehMinecraft
    Fair enough, but I don't think my PC will be able to handle that; it's on it last legs. But thank you very much c: I'll still try
    Nov 14, 2014
  8. Sambish
    Regarding my last question, is it just Minecraft, or other stuff as well?
    Nov 15, 2014
  9. PlayTehMinecraft
    Just everything minecraft related; emails, passwords ect
    Nov 15, 2014
  10. Sambish
    That sucks :/
    Nov 15, 2014