Comments on Profile Post by ArkWarrior1

  1. ArkWarrior1
    It isn't fun anymore mainly because my computer sucks and I can't play 1.8. I will still vote and may occasionally come on, but I won't play regularly.
    Nov 2, 2014
  2. Melk73
    Okie! Good luck in your future endeavors!
    Nov 2, 2014
  3. just_five_fun
    A break is a good idea. When you come back it will be fun again.
    Nov 2, 2014
  4. ArkWarrior1
    Thanks guys, school is also playing a big factor in this decision. We just got The Iliad to read in english. Not fun!
    Nov 3, 2014
  5. Hashhog
    I've been wondering where you've been. We'll miss you, but I wish you good luck in your life and future endeavors and hope to see you again some day.
    Nov 23, 2014