Comments on Profile Post by Olaf_C

  1. Olaf_C
    I have a viral infection in my lymph nodes which could potentially mean I have to get those removed. I have to see later today but who knows.
    Aug 12, 2014
  2. Luckygreenbird
    I remember having my appendix removed. GL with whatever procedures you need to go through. Get well soon!
    Aug 12, 2014
  3. jkrmnj
    Time to play "spin the wheel of useless but easily infected body parts" Whichever it lands on gets removed. On a serious note, I hope you get better soon.
    Aug 12, 2014
  4. Olaf_C
    Thanks, jkrmnj. Thank you, Luckygreenbird.
    Aug 12, 2014
  5. FDNY21
    Get better soon, Owen!
    Aug 12, 2014
  6. Mirr0rr
    I got mine sliced out a couple years ago :D it was so bad that I puked just from the pain and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain xD
    Aug 12, 2014
  7. wisepsn
    Hope you get better Owen!
    Aug 12, 2014
  8. Mrlegitislegit
    But whats the fun in that?
    Aug 13, 2014