Comments on Profile Post by Pab10S

  1. troop53no
    Yeah I know, but your comment prompted me to go look up the new enchanting formulas since they've come out. I've usually just gone to lvl 30 (or whatever the max enchanting level was each time) and enchanted my items and just dealt with whatever came out, repairing and combining the ones I liked as needed.
    Aug 6, 2014
  2. Pab10S
    Yeah, that is pretty much the way to go now in my opinion. I enjoyed re-reading my post from back then. Thinking back I was much more careful of how I spent my XP. It makes me think I should check to see if I can use it more wisely. Once the new update is out I expect we will make more adjustments.
    Aug 6, 2014
  3. troop53no
    Not really looking forward to the new system, especially with lapis now being required. I have tons of it, but don't really want to use it for that, even though it's not much per enchant.
    Aug 6, 2014
  4. Pab10S
    It is really the only non-renewable dye. I was hoping when they added flowers that they would have made the blue ones yield blue dye or choose some other item to use. Instead they added more uses for it.
    Aug 6, 2014