Comments on Profile Post by Olaf_C

  1. Bro_im_infinite
    Kuradochuu does too.
    How do you find out what your name is on G+ ?
    Aug 4, 2014
  2. Olaf_C
    Just go to your profile and it will say it :P
    Aug 4, 2014
  3. Bro_im_infinite
    will try :p
    Aug 4, 2014
  4. L0RALEI
    G+ will rise in time...
    Aug 4, 2014
  5. Olaf_C
    As facebook gets more annoying and continues to push the boundaries of privacy, more people will go to google plus \o3o/
    Aug 4, 2014
  6. wisepsn
    It's a google plus clone, quick, destroy it! :P jk lol. TBH I have actually been on google plus lately and it isn't such a bad place, plus they added it so you DONT have to have a personal name. The main reason I use it to get 1000 people on my circles so I can maybe get a verified name, lol.
    Aug 4, 2014
  7. synth_apparition
    I like Google+, but there's not too many people on it. BUT, since I last used it (in 2011 or something), there has been an increase in members and since I don't use Facebook anymore I think it maay be a possible replacement, since Twitter seems to hate me.
    Aug 9, 2014