Comments on Profile Post by LupusAecus

  1. clintwards
    I'm on right now, your time.
    Mar 26, 2012
  2. LupusAecus
    Sorry for not being there. I need a day in advance due to that fact that I barely check my account. I am so sorry about this. I hope it will not happen again. Or have an idea. Do like you did last time, setup a chest at your res and ill put the items in there, then we do not need to meet. Up to you. :D
    Mar 26, 2012
  3. clintwards
    That's fine, don't worry about it. A chest has been set up immediately in front of the spawn on my res, 3096. Thanks!
    Mar 27, 2012
  4. LupusAecus
    Goods have been delivered. :) I gave you half of what I got from the nether wart and I barely had some Blaze rods so I gave you an extra stack. Thanks for the patience. I gave you 2 stacks of Blaze Rods and 6 stacks of Nether Wart.
    Mar 28, 2012
  5. clintwards
    Thank you veeeery much. If you're ever in the need or have even the slightest desire for some potions (or cats!) feel free to ask. They'll be free of charge :). Once again, thanks!
    Mar 28, 2012