Comments on Profile Post by HashDankHog

  1. HashDankHog
    If you did not know, this is Olaf_C's terrible alt.
    Apr 8, 2014
  2. Stads0
    Hi Olaf (I did know :P), I've been caught up with assessment recently and haven't had as much time to get on here. Beside that I've been a bit distracted by some new games I've got and have been playing them with my friends.

    Other than being bunkered down by a ton of exams and assignments, I'm doing pretty well :)
    Apr 8, 2014
  3. HashDankHog
    I too, have been bombarded with work. I started a new schooling program, and I get over a dozen of hours of homework daily. School and real life are all getting crazy. Turning 14 soon, and I am at the crossing point of child and adult.
    Apr 8, 2014
  4. Stads0
    Ah, you're only 13? I seriously thought you were older... You come across as quite intelligent, especially for your age!
    Apr 8, 2014
  5. HashDankHog
    Thank you, _Stads_. I get that every so often. Also, VERY late congrats on contributor.
    Apr 8, 2014
  6. Stads0
    lol Thanks ;)
    Apr 8, 2014