Comments on Profile Post by IcecreamCow

  1. Chizmaro
    I don't see why people are complaining, the mods who got picked deserved it from what I've seen.
    Feb 22, 2014
  2. IcecreamCow
    Every batch of people we end up choosing gets others who complain about them or get upset we didn't choose them. Always has happened and probably always will happen. Then, they get over it and everything is just fine. Just wish there was a way to convince them that it's going to be okay from the start so they can skip the whole being sad/upset part. Haha.
    Feb 22, 2014
  3. Chizmaro
    You'll always have a sour apple person, but as long as you and other staff have faith in them, and they prove themselves, then it should be fine. But I do agree, I wish everyone was just happy that we have some new people to service our every-wanting need.
    Feb 22, 2014
  4. Olaf_C
    IcecreamCow, if you go onto Skype or mumble, everyone is pretty mad. Several people are thinking about leaving EMC and i would say the majority of people i know have a problem with at least one of the mods. I do not care too much but I have truly never seen the community this angry. With the new mods. Sometimes players are jealous because they wanted the position but this is a whole new level of angry.
    Feb 22, 2014
  5. IcecreamCow
    Olaf_C, it's not. It might seem so to you, but it happens every time. We've had people, who today are diamond supporters, who claimed months ago they were gonna stop supporting and leave EMC forever, due to new mods.

    It's really not as serious as it's seems. People are just being over dramatic.
    Feb 22, 2014
  6. Olaf_C
    I beg to differ. I am hearing more than normal. It does happen every time and I have experience with that since one of my least favorite people got mod. I do not think people are being dramatic either. I personally agree with their opinions.
    Feb 22, 2014
  7. Olaf_C
    I am not going to bring much into detail since this a a comment post but everyone i talk to is somewhat mad. EVERYONE. Not one single person who i have talked to in the last 12 hours is not somewhat concerned over the mods.
    Feb 22, 2014
  8. IcecreamCow
    Please message me if you have a SERIOUS reason why a mod shouldn't be a mod. Serious would be, "I saw them abuse their mod powers already."
    Feb 22, 2014
  9. wisepsn
    It has always been like this, but in the long one people will see that the moderators actually are good and really help the empire. (well not EVERY moderator, but people shouldn't be complaining right now.)
    Feb 22, 2014
  10. IcecreamCow
    However, if someone wants to leave EMC because they turn it into a popularity contest, it's unfortunate that they plan on ruining their own fun because of some invented drama, and we will be here still when they realize it was silly and come back. :P
    Feb 22, 2014
  11. wisepsn
    I kinda agree on both sides, but people shouldn't be complaining if someone who is a little new/not known becomes moderator. I think most probably haven't met them. People do change it to a popularity contest, usually the most popular players who become moderator nobody complains about, but the less popular get complained about. Or maybe even vise versa.
    Feb 22, 2014
  12. IcecreamCow
    Some people just need drama in their lives is all it boils down to. If there's something to complain about, they'll find it. lol
    Feb 22, 2014
  13. BrickStrike
    It's not that they won't be good mods, it's more of how they got chosen. I personally have an issue with 2 of them, not because I dislike them, but because of the relationship with you and others in the community. So yes, I'm willing to give them a chance. But, if they do something immoral and someone gets a ban they don't deserve for speaking out, there's a problem.
    Feb 22, 2014
  14. IcecreamCow
    Having an issue because of that is silly. That says two things. One, you don't trust me, even after all these years I've shown to be fair and honest with things. Two, that's saying I'm not allowed to have friends on EMC.
    Feb 22, 2014
  15. IcecreamCow
    Any moderator, regardless of how I know them, making bad moves will have appropriate action taken, just like it's always been. All moderators go through a very detailed selection process, even ones we may be friends with.

    It's always been like this. So, I request that you guys stop being so silly and enjoy all the greatness EMC is instead of creating drama that doesn't need to be there. :)
    Feb 22, 2014
  16. BrickStrike
    Now Don't jump to conclusions, I do trust you to make the right decisions, but do you trust the community? If so, then argument over. :3
    Feb 22, 2014
  17. BrickStrike
    But, if by the slightest chance you don't know that you have an entire herd of people behind your back, and even if you could help stop an argument with one, you won't be able to stop it completely even after 6 months of trying to calm their doubts. And you are a human, of course you're allowed to have friends! It's just if anymore people that are your friends get to become moderator, it looks biased to people.
    Feb 22, 2014
  18. BrickStrike
    So I'm done voicing my opinion, and will not carry it out further after this through other means but humans are curious, they can't help it to save their lives to stop drama, because it always starts with a "What if...".
    Feb 22, 2014
  19. IcecreamCow
    "What if people just calmed down and chose to not blow things up?" That would be a great world. :D

    Every moderator who's been chosen has likely been friends with staff at some point. That's nothing new. We know we made the right decision, and we are simply asking that people don't act like they're in middle school. :)
    Feb 22, 2014
  20. wisepsn
    ;_; what's wrong with middle school? :P lol
    Feb 22, 2014
  21. IcecreamCow
    : shudders : Never want to go back to middle school. If you have a drama free school, enjoy it. You're lucky, lol.
    Feb 22, 2014
  22. wisepsn
    Oh, now I get it.. Yeah, there is so much drama at my school :P
    Feb 22, 2014
  23. Olaf_C
    I do not think people are being immature at all. Like I told you, people have concerns which I think should be taken seriously. I am not agreeing with everything in that convo and saying "people need to stop being so silly" is not going to get anything anywhere.
    Feb 22, 2014
  24. IcecreamCow
    So far there have been no legitimate concerns anyone has brought to me that shows that someone has made a bad moderator. If that happens it will be looked into, as always. :)
    Feb 22, 2014
  25. BrickStrike
    >.> I am in middle school lol.
    The only drama I "see" is more like "OH he dumped you well blah blah blah" or "Got any more of that special stuff..."
    :P I don't do drugs nor do I have a girlfriend because that would be like... horrible. ;u;
    Feb 22, 2014
  26. IcecreamCow
    Until then, we'll simply let the drama people do what they do, like always, and let things get back to normal in a few days. (Hopefully sooner if they realize there's no real concern.)
    Feb 22, 2014
  27. wisepsn
    "Got any more of that special stuff..." LOL brick
    Feb 22, 2014
  28. wisepsn
    my drama is people in my school on instagram making posts saying they are suicidal and how they hate there lives.. I think they are all brats because they have a LOT more friends and are more popular than I will ever be.. and they have a better life :P
    Feb 22, 2014
  29. mba2012
    I'll just jump in and say that even some of the most respected members of the community(not naming fingers or pointing names) have expressed some concern over one or two of the selections for moderator.
    Feb 22, 2014
  30. wisepsn
    To be VERY honest right now, only one of them I have just a little small concern about.
    Feb 22, 2014
  31. Twitch1
    Being friends with people who become Staff later is not unusual or even cause for concern. IF they are friends of Jeremy's, they already passed a good portion of the screening process used in selecting Moderators, too.
    This only stands to be logical as the selection process for Moderator has a good deal of bearing on an individual's interpersonal skills. ;)
    Feb 22, 2014
  32. IcecreamCow
    True speak, Twitch.
    Feb 22, 2014
  33. BrickStrike
    But not everyone gets the chance to be close buds with him. It's like trying to be best friends with a celebrity. (only analogy I could make, sorry if it seems childish)
    Feb 22, 2014
  34. Twitch1
    I love my Business Management classes.
    Feb 22, 2014
  35. IcecreamCow
    His point is, I choose my close friends very carefully. Some of the qualities I choose in my friends match the moral standards we choose anyways as staff, simply because they are responsible and respectful.

    You are thinking of it in the wrong direction. He's not a mod BECAUSE he's my friend. He's my friend because he naturally has the qualities a mod should have.
    Feb 22, 2014
  36. BrickStrike
    Huh. I guess that makes sense...
    Feb 22, 2014
  37. Twitch1
    *like* Jeremy
    *like* brickstrike getting it. :)
    *like* Twitch1 because 'Merica! :D
    Feb 22, 2014
  38. BrickStrike
    :P I'm a bit slow sometimes.
    Feb 22, 2014
  39. Hashhog
    And after reading this whole conversation, my only thought is that IcC doesn't choose his friends by the amount of TNT they use daily? :P
    Mar 11, 2014
  40. wisepsn
    I was defiantly over exaggerating a little in my comments. I have nothing against the new moderators, in fact some of them are my new favorite. It defiantly shows the the admin actually pick staff correctly rather than just being friends, which is really professional.
    Mar 11, 2014