Comments on Profile Post by d1223m

  1. MR2R2M
    Ugh, you got chosen for a moderator position, doing /ch off is not what a moderator should do, if you wanted to "play" maybe you should have rejected the offer of staff in the first place. It even says it somewhere on the forums, moderators will have little time to "play". Turning chat off will mean you will not be undertaking your moderator duties correctly.
    Feb 25, 2012
  2. Joshyy
    He can still Receive reports on the square and everyone needs a break on this game sometimes MR
    Feb 25, 2012
  3. MR2R2M
    Still turning chat off is not the way to go, what if someone needs help with something? Huh? Like help with something on the server? An issue only a moderator can deal with huh? You cant exactly file a report on swuare for that. Bottom line is turning chat ff is not what a moderator should do.
    Feb 25, 2012
  4. Joshyy
    Then the community should also get involved and leave it not 100% down to the moderators, I am often on when D1223m is on, (I push him into water falls while he's AFK) And if he's AFK I will help others out too, It helps the community get involved aswell.
    Feb 25, 2012
  5. MR2R2M
    Still bottom line is, chat is not something that should be turned off by moderators, they are there for a reason. Just so you know, moderators dont get kicked for being afk hahahah. Yes, its also up to the community, heck I help out to. But sometimes there is a need for moderators to step in and help someone out.
    Feb 25, 2012
  6. MR2R2M
    Again, I will repeat this, and shortly I will be starting a thread... chat should NOT be turned off by a moderator. Play the game with chat still on, nothing wrong with that.
    Feb 25, 2012
  7. MR2R2M
    (two messages as it was too long)
    Feb 25, 2012
  8. Joshyy
    You fail to see what I'm saying, D will always tell people that he's turning Chat Off and honestly, I have only seen it once, and If someone really needs help from a moderator, I'm sure someone can tell them to message D, (Which your going to do if someones done something wrong anyway)
    Feb 25, 2012
  9. MR2R2M
    No I am not failing to see what you are saying...

    I will be starting a thread later on tonight, not now I am going to work. It will include a solution to the problem of moderators not responding to ingame questions etc... And will also enable moderators to "turn chat off" which imo is not something that should be done.
    Feb 25, 2012
  10. Joshyy
    Not being rude, But don't you think your taking it too far? You seriously need to calm down, If your on answering questions all day you would want to take a break from it too, Am I correct? How about this, I'll send you a random nonsense question every minute for the next eight hours, Then still tell me you think they do a bad job.
    Feb 25, 2012
  11. d1223m
    Wow I never thought that comment would cause so much trouble! Sometimes I need to just play or build something and /chat off is easy. I can be online from 8am to 11pm and 30 mins of silence is needed sometimes :) As I said, I can still be PM'd
    Feb 27, 2012