Comments on Profile Post by Jakres

  1. synth_apparition
    Apr 18, 2013
  2. Jakres
    The more meh is that my blood brother invited two 4 year olds kids and atm they staring the screen the heck I'm I doing .They scream like Indians bra.
    Apr 18, 2013
  3. synth_apparition
    If I were you i'd tell them to get the hell out of my room :P
    Apr 18, 2013
  4. Jakres
    If I happened to have my own room again :/
    Apr 18, 2013
  5. synth_apparition
    Everyone in my house has their own room... Except my 2 brothers and my mum and dad.
    My 2 brother's and my sister's room are really big, my mum and dad's is decent and mine is very small... :'(
    Apr 18, 2013
  6. Jakres
    One thinks I'm a dad for my blood brother >_>
    Apr 18, 2013
  7. Jakres
    I lost my own room due to my dad didn't have enough money to pay the bill and took a loan, wasted it on alcoholic and sold the apartment to pay the dept :(
    Apr 18, 2013
  8. synth_apparition
    I don't mean to offend you, but your dad should never put alcohol over his bills. That was kinda selfish... How do people even like Alcohol? :P It tastes of... not very nice stuff :P
    Apr 18, 2013
  9. Jakres
    Mom said he started to drink ever since they met.
    BUT! Dad says we had to move because it had roof problems in the apartment, but my mom says otherwise (The one I told you on my previous post)
    But hey, that's my dad's cons part. The pro part hes very educated person.
    Apr 18, 2013
  10. Jakres
    But maybe I should have lost my own room, so that my aunt would move from her apartment to a new apartment in Tallinn, and when the time had come for me to go to a school, but there weren't no open space for me in Pärnu, the choice was go to a Tallinn or to a Tartu school. So yeah....
    Apr 18, 2013