Comments on Profile Post by synth_apparition

  1. synth_apparition
    Casual iOS games will NEVER replace consoles and Apple are definitely not a threat to the console market. Apple rely on other's work to make their produce. My point? Apple could never be a threat to the console market because they'll have to steal other's work. They never invent anything - they mix and mash other work to make their products.
    Feb 16, 2013
  2. synth_apparition
    Apple also claim the iPhone was the first touchscreen mobile phone - erm, no. Google made the first TouchScreen mobile.
    Feb 16, 2013
  3. mba2012
    Feb 16, 2013
  4. yarbsarb
    >.< The worst bit is people believe and won't shut up About it now, Most of my most memorable gaming moments have been on consoles an the most technical Difficulties on an IOS system.
    Feb 16, 2013