Comments on Profile Post by TheRobotChicken

  1. corruptedsmile
    i prefer ender grinders. they can be incredibly strong as long as ya got the pistons and redstone to make em. only downside is they are a pain to hide.
    Feb 12, 2013
  2. TheRobotChicken
    I've been using the one on endertopia for around 8 months, but after an hour or so of straight grinding I'm only on 9k texp? But with my dual blaze I get texp twice as fast? Even though I get to 30 in like 4 minutes on the ender
    Feb 12, 2013
  3. corruptedsmile
    thats cause endertopia is built to be shared. it spreads em pretty thin.
    Feb 13, 2013
  4. TheRobotChicken
    Even when I was the only one there ? Apart from the mods and some inactive?
    Feb 13, 2013