Comments on Profile Post by Orgoth_93

  1. AncientTower
    Everything can be rebuilt and reacquired. I'm not sure what happened but this place has some great people and is my forever home among the block world.

    I urge you to stay but if you need a break then take a break. This place will be here when you return.

    Empire Minecraft is a special place. Don't let someone decide your fate for you on this server.
    Feb 25, 2025
  2. farmerguyson
    Oh yeah, exactly what Ancient said. Please don't let a player ruin it for you. EMC is loaded with great players.
    Feb 25, 2025
  3. KatydidBuild
    AncientTower & farmerguyson are very correct. Unfortunately minecraft is as life, in that there are some that don't play well with others and can hurt your feelings. Take a break, brush it off, reset your sights and go again!
    Feb 25, 2025
  4. _VOCCI
    My bestie ain't going anywhere!
    Feb 26, 2025
  5. Orgoth_93
    Thanks for everyone's comments. You are all correct and I do very much enjoy EMC. I think I just got very fed up with a certain player(s) the other day... I should really take it all with a pinch of salt haha Sometimes it can be difficult though. I'll probably take a few more days off and come back :-) Thanks again, I appreciate you all.
    Mar 2, 2025