Comments on Profile Post by BlinkyBinky

  1. jewel_king
    omg yes, what a throwback, I never did very well in it but what a nostalgic status
    Jun 11, 2022
  2. BlinkyBinky
    I was wondering if you could still play the seed somehow? I wanted to show it to my niece, but couldn't find anything while she was staying the night w me
    Jun 11, 2022
  3. jewel_king
    iirc the seed was just "404" but off the top of my head I dont remember what MC version it was on
    Jun 11, 2022
  4. BlinkyBinky
    maybe that will be what I figure out tomorrow 🤔 I first played mc in beta version when my brothers showed it to all of us so I wanna say it’s around the 2010-2012 versions
    Jun 11, 2022