Comments on Profile Post by KoolAid42

  1. WitherDoggie
    Desktop or laptop?
    Apr 23, 2020
  2. KoolAid42
    Desktop. :P
    Apr 23, 2020
  3. WitherDoggie
    Monitor plugged into the computer properly? If you hit the cable on accident, you can dislodge it and it won't work properly. Do any of the fans in the computer spin or not?
    Apr 23, 2020
  4. KoolAid42
    The monitor works, it'll show that it's on but it'll just keep showing the black screen. Well we did disconnect it before it stopped working so we might've dislodged it but we aren't quite sure yet, I think they spin, I'm not sure, I didn't spend much time looking at it.
    Apr 23, 2020